Batch 1 – 4-Week Online Modern JavaScript Bootcamp by Coach Arjay – November 4, 2024

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Learn and master modern JavaScript from the ground up, building real-world apps on your journey to expert-level proficiency!

  • Course Title: Online Modern Javascript Bootcamp
  • Coach: Arjay Labadan
  • Start Date: November 4, 2024
  • Schedule: MWF (7:30 PM)
  • Course Fee: ₱5,000
  • Reservation Fee:  ₱1,000 (deductible from total course fee)
  • Mode of Delivery:
    • Live Coaching via Zoom: For interactive learning and Q&A. Each session lasts 1-2 hours.
    • Recorded Training Videos: Access all live coaching sessions for review at your own pace.

Payment methods are Gcash and BPI bank transfers.

Note: The reservation fee is deductible from the enrollment fee. See our terms and conditions here.

Contact or email us at for your inquiries.

In this course, you will

  • Master programming with modern JavaScript, starting from the basics and progressing to advanced concepts.
  • Dive deep into object-oriented programming (OOP) with JavaScript, including working with prototypes and classes.
  • Build real-world front-end applications using JavaScript, such as quizzes, weather apps, and chat rooms.
  • Create functional JavaScript-driven UI components like popups, drop-downs, tabs, tooltips, and more.
  • Utilize modern JavaScript features with an up-to-date workflow using tools like Babel and Webpack.
  • Learn to manage application data by using real-time databases for storing, retrieving, and updating information.
  • Leverage APIs to access and utilize third-party data, such as weather information.
  • Build your own modern, responsive portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and learn how to upload it online.

Course Overview

  • Introduction

      • What is JavaScript?
      • JavaScript in Action!
      • How JavaScript Is Executed
      • Dynamic vs Weakly Typed Languages
      • JavaScript Executes In A Hosted Environment
      • JavaScript vs Java
      • A Brief History Of JavaScript
      • Setting Up a Development Environment
  • JavaScript Basics

      • Adding JavaScript to a Web Page
      • The Browser Console
      • Variables, Constants & Comments
      • Data Types at a Glance
      • Strings
      • Numbers
      • Template Strings
      • Arrays
      • Null & Undefined
      • Booleans & Comparisons
      • Loose vs Strict Comparison
      • Type Conversion
  • Control Flow Basics
      • What is Control Flow?
      • For Loops
      • While Loops
      • Do While Loops
      • If Statements
      • Else & Else If
      • Logical Operators
      • Logical NOT
      • Break & Continue
      • Switch Statements
      • Variables & Block Scope
  • Functions & Methods
      • What are Functions?
      • Function Declarations & Expressions
      • Arguments & Parameters
      • Returning Values
      • Arrow Functions
      • Functions vs Methods
      • Foreach Method & Callbacks
      • Callback Functions in Action
  • Object Literals
      • Objects at a Glance
      • Creating an Object Literal
      • Adding Methods
      • ‘this’ Keyword
      • Objects in Arrays
      • Math Object
      • Primitive vs Reference Types
  • The Document Object Model
      • Interacting with the Browser
      • The DOM Explained
      • The Query Selector
      • Other Ways to Query the DOM
      • Adding & Changing Page Content
      • Getting & Setting Attributes
      • Changing CSS Styles
      • Adding & Removing Classes
      • Parents, Children & Siblings
      • Event Basics (click events)
      • Creating & Removing Elements
      • Event Bubbling (and delegation)
      • More DOM Events
      • Building a Popup
  • Forms & Form Events
      • Events Inside Forms
      • Submit Events
      • Regular Expressions
      • Testing RegEx Patterns
      • Basic Form Validation
      • Keyboard Events
  • Project #1: Interactive Quiz
  • Array Methods
      • Filter Method
      • Map Method
      • Reduce Method
      • Find Method
      • Sort Method
      • Chaining Array Methods
  • Project #2: Todo List
  • Dates & Times
      • Dates & Times in JavaScript
      • Timestamps & Comparisons
      • Building a Digital Clock
      • Date-fns Library
  • Async JavaScript
      • What is Asynchronous JavaScript?
      • Async Code in Action
      • What are HTTP Requests?
      • Making HTTP Requests (XHR)
      • Response Status
      • Callback Functions
      • JSON Data
      • Callback Hell
      • Promise Basics
      • Chaining Promises
      • The Fetch API
      • Async & Await
      • Throwing & Catching Errors
  • Project #3: Weather App
  • Local Storage
      • What is Local Storage?
      • Storing & Getting Data
      • Deleting Storage Data
      • Stringifying & Parsing Data
      • Updating the Weather App
  • Object Oriented JavaScript
      • What is OOP?
      • Object Literal Recap
      • Classes
      • Class Constructors
      • Class Methods & Method Chaining
      • Class Inheritance (subclasses)
      • Super( )
      • Constructors (under the hood)
      • Prototype Model
      • Prototypal Inheritance
      • Built-in Objects
      • Making a Forecast Class (weather app)
  • Databases (Firebase)
      • NoSQL Databases
      • Firebase & Firestore
      • Connecting to Firestore
      • Getting Collections
      • Saving Documents
      • Deleting Documents
      • Real-time Listeners
      • Unsubscribing
  • Project #4: Real-time Chatroom
  • More ES6 Features
      • Spread & Rest
      • Sets
      • Symbols
  • Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack
      • An Introduction to Babel
      • Installing Node.js & Babel
      • What is Webpack?
      • Introduction to Modules
      • Babel & Webpack Together
  • Project #5: Project – UI Library
      • Tooltips
      • Dropdowns
      • Tabbed Content
      • Snackbars
  • Project #6: Online Portfolio Website 


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